Headset For Storytelling in Kindergarten
Califone will invite teachers to share how they are using classroom technology with their students. This time we would like to welcome guest blogger, Matt Gomez. I have written about headphones we use...
View ArticleBlock Sounds for More Focus
It’s test-taking time and you’ve prepared your students to the best of your abilities. Shouldn’t your equipment help too? It’s critical for AP language students to clearly hear all of the nuances...
View ArticleTechnology Changes in the Classroom: In search of effective, flexible solutions
T. V. JOE LAYNG, PH.D. Director of Learning Sciences, Mimio Today’s classrooms are in transition. Technology of all sorts is making its way into the classroom and offering new ways to engage learners....
View ArticleBack to School Tech Toys & Supplies
As classrooms become increasingly arranged around technology, there are a lot of gadgets and toys that can make your life less stressful during the school year. It’s a lot easier to find these toys now...
View Article4 Ways to Make BYOD Work in Your Classroom
While the bring your own device (BYOD) revolution has made the rounds in business environments, school administrators and teachers have, understandably, shown more resistance to accepting the presence...
View ArticleHow to Introduce Technology to your Classroom
You have read about Smartboards and iPads in the classroom in journals. You might have even talked with colleagues that are using technology in the classroom at every turn. You feel the pressure to...
View ArticleUsing Technology to Reduce Paper Consumption in the Classroom
How many times have you noticed students take your pristine handouts and carelessly stuff them into their backpacks? All that hard work and beautiful clean paper suddenly vanishes into a dark...
View Article3D Printing: What’s the Buzz About?
As an educator, or as a school administrator, 3D printing has probably grabbed your attention, setting your imagination in motion as you envision the potential impact it could have on your students....
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